The only way I could love this series more would be if Marie Brennan would write another book. This is one of the most original and tasteful fantasies Ive ever read! I feel like she definitely left the series open to another book, one that would focus more on Starfalls recovery and Mirei and Eclipses relationship. (Yes, as the avid romantic, I finally see a twinge of hope for the not-so-star-crossed couple.)
Eclipse is still my favorite character, even though he is gone most of the book. His characterstrong, loyal and capableis already established in Warrior, as is his love for Mirage/Miryo/Mirei. His decision to take a second blood oath was powerful, because in my head I could see all of the implications of it unfolding. And they did, in a way. Another step-in from the Goddess saves the day though. She must really like Mirei.
As far as the actual plot development, that is amazing. Ive tried to write stories like this one, that ripple out from a single conflict into a full-blown war, and its extremely hard, but Brennan does it with skill and style. It helps when you have vivid characters who help shape whats going on. The conflict too is one that the reader could see from both sides, though the story is told from Mirei and Satomis. Everything they do and say, especially Satomi, Im able to see it from the other side as well, and I cant really fault Shimi from breaking with them. There are protagonists and antagonists, but no clear cut bad guy which is a playing field many a writer shoots to achieve.
On that same note, I resonate strongly with Indera. The doppelgangers have the most to lose in this whole situation. Either theyre killed by their witch halves to stabilize the magic, or the two are re-joined back into one being. Thats not without consequences though. Mirei steadily losses her physical superiority that Mirage had worked for and maintained her whole life, while Miryos magic remained ready at her fingertips. The doppelganger half seems to be the one that fades away the most. I myself wondered numerous times if the way Starfall had done things all along was the right way, or if neither Starfall nor Mirei were right and there was a better way still. I suppose Indera will be safe though, given what tips off the climax, but that doesnt say anything for the other doppelgangers already there and the dozens more to be born.
Brennan has set everything up very nicely and everything came back together in a way we would think of as realistic. But like I said, I want more! Its too bad there doesnt seem to be any more planned, but at least we have these two. Definitely a five-star read!
Eclipse is still my favorite character, even though he is gone most of the book. His characterstrong, loyal and capableis already established in Warrior, as is his love for Mirage/Miryo/Mirei. His decision to take a second blood oath was powerful, because in my head I could see all of the implications of it unfolding. And they did, in a way. Another step-in from the Goddess saves the day though. She must really like Mirei.
As far as the actual plot development, that is amazing. Ive tried to write stories like this one, that ripple out from a single conflict into a full-blown war, and its extremely hard, but Brennan does it with skill and style. It helps when you have vivid characters who help shape whats going on. The conflict too is one that the reader could see from both sides, though the story is told from Mirei and Satomis. Everything they do and say, especially Satomi, Im able to see it from the other side as well, and I cant really fault Shimi from breaking with them. There are protagonists and antagonists, but no clear cut bad guy which is a playing field many a writer shoots to achieve.
On that same note, I resonate strongly with Indera. The doppelgangers have the most to lose in this whole situation. Either theyre killed by their witch halves to stabilize the magic, or the two are re-joined back into one being. Thats not without consequences though. Mirei steadily losses her physical superiority that Mirage had worked for and maintained her whole life, while Miryos magic remained ready at her fingertips. The doppelganger half seems to be the one that fades away the most. I myself wondered numerous times if the way Starfall had done things all along was the right way, or if neither Starfall nor Mirei were right and there was a better way still. I suppose Indera will be safe though, given what tips off the climax, but that doesnt say anything for the other doppelgangers already there and the dozens more to be born.
Brennan has set everything up very nicely and everything came back together in a way we would think of as realistic. But like I said, I want more! Its too bad there doesnt seem to be any more planned, but at least we have these two. Definitely a five-star read!
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