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Book Review of Emotional Intelligence : Why It Can Matter More Than IQ

Emotional Intelligence : Why It Can Matter More Than IQ
Minehava avatar reviewed on + 830 more book reviews

LOL I will rather go to a sleep deprived, heavily trained, book smart PhDr cancer specialist than an Emotionally Intelligent self identifying specialist (read: quack). Emotional intelligence is yet another moral-superiority bull the politically correct Trolls are imposing on our society. And the so not funny thing about all this, the very people lecturing us on the wonders and superiority of emotional intelligence are the ones who will use your cash (that you pay to read and listen to this drivel) to seek out the best trained specialists to ease their burdens. Like Tax evasion loopholes specialists, the investment bankers, the Wallstreet traders, the best medical experts... while they lecture us that we dont properly appreciate and that we discriminate the lazy-buddies who are superior to us in every way, because our hard work offends them to the extreme and so they are entitled to burn and destroy (Portland 2020). After all they are more emotionally intelligent (read immature toddlers) and that makes them morally superior.

Not worth reading. I really tried to give it a fair hearing but I rolled my eyes so many times and so hard that I have seen my brain exploding... No Thank you!