If you previously have ignored this book because it's classified as a young adult novel, stop! It is far superior to many adult fantasy novels, and I'm really not sure why this isn't stocked among them, unless its because there's no sex. (The word "catamite" is mentioned once, but I guess that isn't enough.) Even the writing is more sophisticated and challenging than many adult books (including "Mistborn"). The characters have depth, the plot is unpredictable and suspenseful, and the intermittent dark malice and cruelty should be enough to disturb most readers. There is a lot going on in this story and the author manages all elements of her tale very skillfully.
I finished the book last night and am picking up the sequel from the library today. Assuming the rest of the series is as good as the first book (and I have a hard time seeing how it couldn't be), Robin Hobb will join Joe Abercrombie, Greg Keyes and Scott Lynch as one of my favorite fantasy serialists.
I finished the book last night and am picking up the sequel from the library today. Assuming the rest of the series is as good as the first book (and I have a hard time seeing how it couldn't be), Robin Hobb will join Joe Abercrombie, Greg Keyes and Scott Lynch as one of my favorite fantasy serialists.
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