Disguised as a boy, Kit Weston travels to New York City to kill Baron Cain. Cain inherited Kit's South Carolina home, Risen Glory, when her stepmother died. Kit is determined to get her home back from the Yankee scoundrel. She's surprised when she meets him, and he gives her a job as a stable boy. She is also shocked to learn that he has been named her guardian.
Just Imagine is the 2001 re-write of Susan Elizabeth Phillip's debut novel, Risen Glory, which was published in 1984. I never read the original, so I don't know what changed. This book felt like the historical romances I used to read in the 80's and 90's. They're the reason I stopped reading historical romance for so long. Kit and Baron were combative right from the start. Their fighting never let up until the last page of the book. Kit was just like Scarlet O'Hara. She thought her plantation was all that she had in this world. She never stopped to look at her life and the things that she had.
If you like the older historical romances, you will love this book. I prefer the newer, lighter historical romances that we have now. My rating: 2.5 Stars.
Just Imagine is the 2001 re-write of Susan Elizabeth Phillip's debut novel, Risen Glory, which was published in 1984. I never read the original, so I don't know what changed. This book felt like the historical romances I used to read in the 80's and 90's. They're the reason I stopped reading historical romance for so long. Kit and Baron were combative right from the start. Their fighting never let up until the last page of the book. Kit was just like Scarlet O'Hara. She thought her plantation was all that she had in this world. She never stopped to look at her life and the things that she had.
If you like the older historical romances, you will love this book. I prefer the newer, lighter historical romances that we have now. My rating: 2.5 Stars.
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