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Book Review of Discipline: A Novel

Discipline: A Novel
candieb avatar reviewed on + 239 more book reviews

I've been sneaking in local Austin authors to my reading because - well, just because darn it, so I jumped at the chance to read this when the author's assistant tracked me down. I have a few book clubs I'm in and she gave us a bunch of copies. Worked out great because we got reading material. I will say that I googled this book to death when she first contacted us. It was odd because there were two descriptions of the book on the internet. The first was scary. Using words like quantum physics (eeep!). The other made it sound like a thriller. Still, I was intrigued, so I got them and mailed/dropped them off the various people.

I also spoke through email to the assistant and found out a little more about the author. He's an accounting/real estate guy. That wrote a book. Yeah. No offense to any of you guys - I'm a bookkeeper myself - one that has quite a few real estate clients - but I don't know many people in the accounting field that have creative streaks. So yeah, I was a little leery, okay?

The first 100 pages or so lost me several times. I'm a bright lady, I "get it" but getting my arms around some of the theory was a task. However... the fiction, the story itself, is absolutely wonderful. I cannot believe this is his first book. I also cannot believe how spot on some of the things in the story are with what is going on now in the world. *laugh* A little creepy!

If you can get past the theory parts (and it's not overly loaded - I didn't once want to stab my eyes out with a fork), then you will really enjoy the suspense and the "thriller" parts of this. There are even parts that are very touching.

I'm trying to explain... okay, remember the first time you watched Fight Club? Nearly every person I know did not see the ending coming. Remember that moment you realized that your head was totally being messed with? Yeah... this book is like that, several times over. Totally screwed with me. Even made me question a few things and made me think.

Definitely read this one. I find it interesting that everyone I know who has read it has a definite (long) opinion on it.