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Book Review of Mistaken Identity: Two Families, One Survivor, Unwavering Hope

Mistaken Identity: Two Families, One Survivor, Unwavering Hope

A strong Christian testimony by two families which had their children mixed up during a car accident. This story was twisted some in the news when it happened - but this is a thorough exploration of how these people found the strength to deal with first thinking their daughter survived, then discovering she was a fatality in the accident (and vice versa).

I see some reviews which take exception with the Christian beliefs of each family forming a large part of the book. One even said they were hoping to 'know more about the family instead of just religious stuff' - well I think the book tells us that is specifically what the families were about. Personal beliefs about God and religion fall in a wide range from heartfelt, to somewhere in the general middle, to somewhat shallow, to questioning, to nonexistent. As I read I heard these family members telling their readers how their faith bolstered their ability to accept and cope with this awful situation. May not be everyone's choice on how to handle death, injury, and shock, but it was theirs. Naturally that is what they have to write about.