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Book Review of Danger In The Shadows (O'Malleys, Prequel)

Danger In The Shadows (O'Malleys, Prequel)
reviewed Couldn't put it down! A great read! on + 6 more book reviews

I just finished reading four Ted Bell novels and thought, 'wow, it is going to be tough to top these.' I love suspense and strong character lines. I began with this book as well as the second book in this series, The Negotiator. I read both of them within a week. They were wonderful reads. I was never bored! This book has a great deal of excitement and an entire spectrum of emotions. You fall in love with the characters right away and Dee Henderson is great at taking you through the decision/thought processes with her characters. You want to cry with them, cheer them on, and can't wait to get back to reading so you can be part of their world. Her writing is gentle and yet suspensful. There is no room for 'fluff,' just great story-line. This particular book is heart-wrenching and wonderful. I found myself crying with Sara and hoping with her for her future. I watched for clues to the mystery surrounding her life... I ached with her for a sense of normalcy in her life. Through each twist and danger... Fear and hope... betrayal and romance... I found I couldn't put this book down. The characters have a strong faith, that is tested, in a God who loves them through it all. This would be an excellent book for a teenager as well as adults since there is no graphic content. The subject matter is heavy, though. Some of the downfalls: We never got to see inside the head of the kidnapper. There was nothing about him at all until the last paragraph. Also, it ended way too quickly as far as the kidnapper and Sara meeting. Another thing that doesn't bother me, but I know some people don't appreciate it, but it was a little unrealistic in how rich they were and how much of the FBI was surrounding her at all times. I liked it. I find it fun to live a fantasy life like that as I read. It is, after all, 'fiction.' Read the synopsis above to see the details of the story. I highly recommend Dee Henderson. Now I need to go start book #3 - The Guardian!