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Book Review of Fever (Chemical Garden, Bk 2)

Fever (Chemical Garden, Bk 2)
Minehava avatar reviewed on + 829 more book reviews

My thoughts? Well, the trilogy had a good story, and the writting had nice pace. However, the First book was missing something.... It felt like a decent "B-" fiction, This book had the same "B-" quality to it, until the point of Rein returning to the mannerhouse. What ruined the book for me was the presentation of the Dr. and his inhuman medical experiments. The book presents such a noble cause that the reader cant but vawer in his/her morals and wonder if the lives of few hundred girls is not a small price to pay to save humanity from eventual extintion, and to save the massess from premature death.... However one should remember, that there was once this Dr. Mengele in human history, with similar ideas, and the atrocities he comited in the name of science, was held in high regard, and unfortunately as far as his results, that pushed the gene science 30 years ahead, still are, since most of our genetic sciences rise from his inhuman reaserch. To give Dr Vanghun the moral background (even though the H/H are shocked by his experimets), is to make the same case for Dr. Mengele, and all the atrocities the Naczi comited in the name of genetic science advancements. My other problem with the book is that since most young adults do not find history that fascinating, they are unable to conect the two, and the author prehaps unknowingly, links the idea of human experimentation in the name of genetics with Scyfi fiction and not with the real world. I found the conclusion of this book horrific, and moraly corrupt. Unfit for the young minds anywhere.

----------- Spoiler Alert: starts here: ---------------
Book starts with the runaway Rain and Gabriel. They are captured by brothel madam, where rain meets a girl called Forgetmenot (after a flower) with a small daughter, which does not speak and so the Madam thinks her retatded, and thus torments her. When Rain is almost sold to the gray coat, the madam beat the little girl to death (or so she thinks), Forgetmenot, her protector, and their daughter atempt to escape the brothel, taking Rain and Gabriel with them. When the Vanghun doctor shows up to take Rein home Forgetmenot's protector tries to save them all by running away from the group. They get over the (momenteraly not functioing) electric fence, but Forgetmenot is stuned by electricity as the wire goes "live" and is recaptured by Madam. Forgetmenot silently urges Rain and Gabriel to take her daughter and run. when the thre arrive in Manhatann Rowan is gone and the house has been burned down. Rowan folows address she finds in the mute girls kids book. She finds Forgetmenot's Mother and Brother. They accept them all, if Rain agrees to help with the orfans. Large part of the book deals with Gabriels addiction to AngelBlood drug, and Reins sudden ilness, which progressess. It has all the symptoms of the virus, same as in the now dead Jenna. When Gabriel contemplates to retutn Rain to Vanghun, the Dr shows up and spirits Rain back to FL. (Or he will burn the orfanige.) Once Rein arrives in the mannor, the Dr explains that the candy she was so fond off was small doses of the virus to get her immunized, and she was the Dr. experiment. Had she lowered her doses slowly she would not have the widrawal symptomps, leading to death. The Dr. fixes her, and then starts all sorts of experiments on her. While lucid, she discovers that her sweet servant girl is now also being experimmented on, and so is number of other girl servants. Cecily shows up, and tells Rain about the tracking chip in leg. Rein stabs her leg to get it out, and slowly bleeds close to death. Cecily brings Linden, who saves Rain, takes her to the hospital, but does not belive her tales about his father being a monster.... almost.