Helpful Score: 1
Zeus, father of the Gods has prepared a treat for his children. He has decided to open a portal into the modern world of Las Vegas for his children to play in and enjoy on the weekends, much to the dismay of his child Bacchus who has ruled that particular realm single-handedly for the past few eons.
Artemis, Goddess of The Hunt and Moon talks her brother Apollo into a weekend of fun in Las Vegas and together the twins of night and day head out to wreak havoc on Sin City. Bacchus however, still angry at the disrespect the other Gods and Goddess are showing his realm invokes an ancient ritual that unfortunately falls on Pamela
Pamela, a modern mortal woman who is visiting Las Vegas on a work trip suddenly finds herself bound Artemis after accidentally spilling wine, pricking her finger, and whispering her secret wish: for romance to come back into her life. Strangely drawn to her Apollo soon finds himself falling in love with Pamela and must somehow face the fact that he cannot pretend to be a mortal forever. He must tell her the truth and accept her decision; after all he could never be a soul mate with a mortalright?
Despite the seemingly cheesy theme, The Goddess of Light was exceptionally good! I was more than pleasantly surprised. Ive always been a P.C. Cast fan, but after reading Goddess of the Sea, I didnt have high hopes for Goddess of Light. Boy was I wrong!
While Goddess of Light had the same sort of fantastical and seemingly crazy mystical theme that Goddess of the Sea had, it was lesscartoonish? For lack of a better word? The characters had more depth to them than in Casts first book in the series and I definitely related with Pamela more than the characters in Goddess of the Sea.
I love Casts lighthearted approach to romance novels. Yes, there are great sex scenes, but they are always brief, tasteful, and add to the plot of the story as opposed to becoming the purpose for writing the book. Cast has a wonderful sense of humor that she conveys well into her writing and into her characters.
Cast always delivers. Though her writing is predictable, its a comfortable sort of predictable that is probably the reason I keep reaching time and time again for her books. These are the sort of things you need to keep in mind when reaching for one of her books. If you start one with unrealistic expectations of epic battles and dragons you will be sorely disappointed. On the flipside, for those of us who appreciate a well written romance and a good fantasy, Cast will never disappoint.
Four Stars.
Artemis, Goddess of The Hunt and Moon talks her brother Apollo into a weekend of fun in Las Vegas and together the twins of night and day head out to wreak havoc on Sin City. Bacchus however, still angry at the disrespect the other Gods and Goddess are showing his realm invokes an ancient ritual that unfortunately falls on Pamela
Pamela, a modern mortal woman who is visiting Las Vegas on a work trip suddenly finds herself bound Artemis after accidentally spilling wine, pricking her finger, and whispering her secret wish: for romance to come back into her life. Strangely drawn to her Apollo soon finds himself falling in love with Pamela and must somehow face the fact that he cannot pretend to be a mortal forever. He must tell her the truth and accept her decision; after all he could never be a soul mate with a mortalright?
Despite the seemingly cheesy theme, The Goddess of Light was exceptionally good! I was more than pleasantly surprised. Ive always been a P.C. Cast fan, but after reading Goddess of the Sea, I didnt have high hopes for Goddess of Light. Boy was I wrong!
While Goddess of Light had the same sort of fantastical and seemingly crazy mystical theme that Goddess of the Sea had, it was lesscartoonish? For lack of a better word? The characters had more depth to them than in Casts first book in the series and I definitely related with Pamela more than the characters in Goddess of the Sea.
I love Casts lighthearted approach to romance novels. Yes, there are great sex scenes, but they are always brief, tasteful, and add to the plot of the story as opposed to becoming the purpose for writing the book. Cast has a wonderful sense of humor that she conveys well into her writing and into her characters.
Cast always delivers. Though her writing is predictable, its a comfortable sort of predictable that is probably the reason I keep reaching time and time again for her books. These are the sort of things you need to keep in mind when reaching for one of her books. If you start one with unrealistic expectations of epic battles and dragons you will be sorely disappointed. On the flipside, for those of us who appreciate a well written romance and a good fantasy, Cast will never disappoint.
Four Stars.
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