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Book Review of A Woman of Fortune (Texas Gold, Bk 1)

A Woman of Fortune (Texas Gold, Bk 1)

One of the best books to come out this year!

After reading and being wowed by Kellie Coats Gilbert's debut novel Mother Of Pearl, I was quite excited to not only find out about A Woman Of Fortune but also to get my hands on a copy.

I don't know how she does it, must be a sign of a truly good writer, but Kellie Coates Gilbert has an amazing way of getting into the characters minds and totally immersing the reader in the story. My life couldn't be any more different than Claire's, for one thing there is an age gap of 20+ years, and yet I was so completely pulled into Claire's life that it came as a mild shock when I had to return to my own world.

A Woman Of Fortune is a thought-provoking look into what might happen to a family that has been torn by deceit and are in the public eye. Each member has to deal with the fallout and make their own choices on how to handle it.
I have to say that after reading this book I won't look at the news stories in quite the same way anymore. Kellie Coates Gilbert shows the pain a family can go through when only seen through the lens of a news camera and I don't think I will be quite as quick to judge after this.

The author is a master at capturing how people truly are. The emotions, reactions, and actions of the characters are so realistic that it will make you examine yourself and wonder how you might act in the same situation. This is a family reeling from a shocking blow, they make mistakes, they don't always act like perfect Christians, but they are totally real. And in the end it all comes down to family, faith, and the power of real love.

A Woman Of Fortune is a book for women of all ages, one you really shouldn't miss. It's entertaining and the reader comes away with the desire to strengthen their own families.

(I received a copy of this book from Revell for my honest review. All opinions are my own.)