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Book Review of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heaven: (Or, How I Made Peace with the Paranormal and Stigmatized Zealots and Cynics)

If there was a way to give this book no stars, I would. I hadn't read Corey's first book, glad I didn't now, but maybe it would have warned me to what this one would be like. If you like the excessive use of the word Dick and F**k, congrats, this is the book for you! He even admits he likes using them as much as possible. If you are looking for a book about paranormal experiences (as I was..) PASS on this book. This book is mainly about his rants, him getting completely side tracked (which he even admits he does several times) and also a huge rant on religion and how horrible it is and everyone involved in it. I was not expecting that out of this book. Granted, if you want to spend a little time talking about your beliefs and how you think others are wrong, by all means, go for it. However, I do not need to read it for 100 pages (and that's where I finally said I'd had enough) to hear him constantly putting people down, cussing, and going off topic. You were lucky to get maybe a sentence about ghosts in there. What a waste of a possibly good book and the waste of a good mind, that if maybe he actually applied it a bit more to writing a good book, could have done so.