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Book Review of To Die For

To Die For
Helpful Score: 3

Sandra Byrd has been on my favorite authors list since I read her first adult novel back in 2008--Let Them Eat Cake. Ever since then, her books have become ones that I pick up immediately without a second thought because I know they will be that good. To Die For was no exception, and now that Sandra has made this transition into the world of Christian historical fiction, I have no idea how she'll ever be able to choose between writing it or contemporary fiction in the future!

So, with all that said, let me just tell you how exquisite this book was! Breathtaking, majestic, heartbreaking, and anguishing...all of those words poured into my mind as I read the glorious, but tragic, story of Anne Boleyn. Only this wasn't a story just about Anne and her love for Henry VIII; it also included Anne's faithful childhood friend, Meg Wyatt. Truly, until this book, I had never heard anything about Meg Wyatt, and I can't remember when I last read a book that showed what true loyalty and constant friendship is all about. Meg had so many opportunities to leave the court life, to withdraw as one of Anne's ladies-in-waiting, but she remained faithful to her call to serve until the very end. I pitied her unfortunate relationships with her father and brother, but her circumstances were true to the time period. Women had nothing back then, unless it was provided through a man, and were extremely restricted in the decisions they made, particularly in regards to marriage. How glad I am that society has progressed since then--I am far too strong-willed to have survived!

This novel was written so masterfully that I cant count the number of times I had to look at the front cover to be sure that I was actually reading a book by Sandra! She grasped the Tudor period and its customs so well that I felt fully immersed its culture. The language of that time was so eloquent and proper that people didnt spout off the first thing that came to their mind. It was a time where words had the power to sentence a man to death, so one had to be extra careful of what was spoken and how it could potentially be interpreted. Also, the descriptions of the food and clothing were enough to make me drool! Multiple-course feasts, hundreds of castles and palaces, and dresses with golden threads woven through the cloth portrayed the extreme wealth and grandeur of the King of England and his courtiers. Sandra skillfully captured every aspect of this grand era in such a way that I felt like a part of the story. That, my friends, makes her one talented author. :o)

I haven't the slightest clue what Sandra has up her sleeve for her next novel, but I know one can't get here quick enough! For those (like me) who can't get enough of Tudor history, England, or The Royals in general, this stunning book would make an excellent addition to your reading fare, and I guarantee you won't be disappointed. To Die For was one of the best novels I've had the pleasure of reading all year, and has earned a well-deserved place on my keeper shelf. Highly Recommended!

5 Stars