Only Aaron can rescue the prince...
Aaron was always so different from all his friends. They were quiet, well-behaved, and rarely got into trouble. He always did. And now it was the same. Out of everyone in the hotel, he was the only one who had heard Queen Titania's call for help--why? Whay did he always have to be so different?
"I have a son," the queen told him, "just your age." She paused and Aaron thought he saw a tear form in her eye. "He's been kidnapped by Bad Bart from Legoredo. Will you go and rescue him?"
RL 3 7-10 yrs
Aaron was always so different from all his friends. They were quiet, well-behaved, and rarely got into trouble. He always did. And now it was the same. Out of everyone in the hotel, he was the only one who had heard Queen Titania's call for help--why? Whay did he always have to be so different?
"I have a son," the queen told him, "just your age." She paused and Aaron thought he saw a tear form in her eye. "He's been kidnapped by Bad Bart from Legoredo. Will you go and rescue him?"
RL 3 7-10 yrs