Warning: This is SERIOUSLY graphic violence - I'm talking Takashi Miike level gut-wrenching, brain-pain here. Swear words and 'extreme horror' labels don't really quantify it, as most jaded horror fans know. If this was a movie, it would probably get an 'X'- not even an 'NC-17.'
I don't know if I'm just too used to sanitized 'comic book code' media standards or what... *looks at shelf full of Clive Barker 'Hellraiser' adaptations* Nope. - but I was utterly appalled by how graphic this got.
I both like and hate it for that.
At least, the violence was divided out equally between men and women- both as victims & perpetrators.
(It's really hard to review this without spoilering what is both the best and worst parts of this.)
Ok, so apocalypse (for once without zombies!) and this follows some very real survivors. I say 'very real' because they are flawed, and not in cliched ways... it's very raw like that. This will never be a made-for-tv "Walking Dead" because you really can't even like the protagonists 100%. Everyone kills to stay alive, both the crazed plague victims (the crossed) and other survivors.
I guess I hated it because I don't think there needs to be two page spreads of graphic, disemboweling, cannibalistic rape. A good artist or writer can imply a lot without sticking that in 4-color glorified poster art. Seriously, this is the kind of thing that get people committed, forms senate house committees about 'standards' and well, is enough to tip a teetering Dalmer or Gacy mentally over the edge.
The book, the idea, is brave and original. But it's been a long time since I had to wait a week or two to process the visceral revulsion I had for something I mentally consumed. I guess that's just my warning if you pick this up.
I don't know if I'm just too used to sanitized 'comic book code' media standards or what... *looks at shelf full of Clive Barker 'Hellraiser' adaptations* Nope. - but I was utterly appalled by how graphic this got.
I both like and hate it for that.
At least, the violence was divided out equally between men and women- both as victims & perpetrators.
(It's really hard to review this without spoilering what is both the best and worst parts of this.)
Ok, so apocalypse (for once without zombies!) and this follows some very real survivors. I say 'very real' because they are flawed, and not in cliched ways... it's very raw like that. This will never be a made-for-tv "Walking Dead" because you really can't even like the protagonists 100%. Everyone kills to stay alive, both the crazed plague victims (the crossed) and other survivors.
I guess I hated it because I don't think there needs to be two page spreads of graphic, disemboweling, cannibalistic rape. A good artist or writer can imply a lot without sticking that in 4-color glorified poster art. Seriously, this is the kind of thing that get people committed, forms senate house committees about 'standards' and well, is enough to tip a teetering Dalmer or Gacy mentally over the edge.
The book, the idea, is brave and original. But it's been a long time since I had to wait a week or two to process the visceral revulsion I had for something I mentally consumed. I guess that's just my warning if you pick this up.