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Book Review of Letter to My Daughter

Letter to My Daughter
Buuklvr81 avatar reviewed on + 72 more book reviews

My review of this book is going to be short, sweet and to point,much like the book itself. I really liked this book. I started this book in the morning and had it finished by the afternoon, so it's a perfect, easy and quick read. In addition to this book being a quick, easy read, the talent the author shows through this book is wonderful. It's written by a male author and I will be honest with you. My first thought after learning about this book was:"it's written about a mother and daughter by a MAN". What could a man know about a relationship between a mother and a daughter? But as I sat reading this book, I was in awe. George Bishop really captured a mother and daughter's relationship in an amazing way. Being a daughter myself, and having gone through teenage attitudes I could relate to Laura's daughter, Liz. But as a mother (thought I don't have a daughter, only sons) I can feel relate to some of Laura's feelings. It brought me back to my own teen years and had me truly thinking "was I like that when I was Liz's age?". I truly have a new perspective of my mother and what she went through. The way George Bishop created this book using the style of being written as a letter, was truly captivating. This is a book that I recommend with 4 stars for all mothers and daughters out there. I will be sharing this with my mom,too!