The reason that the listing in the database must match your book is that this is the ONLY information that a requestor has about your book when he or she requests it.
If your book does not match the book requested, the receiver may be disappointed, and may mark your book "received with a problem (wrong book)", and ask you for the credit back. (And you will need to refund -- return of the book is NOT required before the refund is made.)
Explanation: ISBNs didn't come into use until 1970. Even after 1970, not ALL published books had ISBNs printed on them. If your book is older, or it happens not to have an ISBN, you won't find an ISBN listing in the system to use. So you'll need to create a listing to match your book.
Solution: Use the "Post a Book Without an ISBN " link on the Post Books page, to post your book. You can read more about this in How do I post a book without an ISBN?.
Explanation: First check to see if you are using the Firefox browser with the extension "NoScript". If you are, read this: NoScript and PaperBackSwap. If you are NOT running Firefox with NoScript, then check that you are entering the ISBN correctly (see above).
If you are entering the ISBN correctly, then this means that the ISBN isn't recognized by the database.
Solution: You will need to post this book with a customized listing for the book, using the Post Books without an ISBN link on the Post Books page.
Explanation: This means one of four things:
1. Your book is an ARC
If your book is a paperback, and the ISBN brings up a Book Listing Preview that says "hardcover", please check your book to be sure it is not an ARC. If it is an ARC, it cannot be posted for swapping at PBS.
Solution: You cannot offer this book in any way on PaperBackSwap. ARCs are strictly prohibited here. For more about this, see What is an ARC?.
2. The publisher chose to assign the same ISBN to more than one version of this title.
Publishers sometimes choose to assign the same ISBN to multiple versions of a book. However, PBS can attach only ONE booktype to the listing for an ISBN. If your book does not have the booktype assigned to the ISBN in the PBS database, you will need to post it with a customized listing, using the Post a Book Without an ISBN link on the Post Books page, so that the booktype matches your book.
Solution: You will need to post this book with a customized listing for the book, using the Post Books without an ISBN link on the Post Books page.
3. The publisher printed the book with more than one ISBN printed on the inside front pages.
Publishers sometimes include all of the ISBNs for multiple booktypes in the information at the front of a book. In that case, unless the ISBNs have notations beside them to say which booktype they represent, it can be hard to know which one to choose.
Solution(s): (1) Does one of the ISBNs say "Hardcover" in front of it, and the other say "Paperback"? if so, then you can tell which one to use (the one corresponding to the booktype you have). (2) If not, check the ISBN on the dust jacket (for the hardcover) or the back of the book (for the paperback). The ISBN on the back of the book/dustjacket is specific to that booktype. (3) If you don't have a dustjacket, you can also scroll down on the Post Books page to see the ISBNs/booktypes under the heading "Are you meaning to post one of these other book types?" - does one of those ISBNs appear on your book, and is it linked to the correct booktype? If so, then click that and check that listing preview, to see if that is the listing that matches your book.
4. The publisher printed the book as a paperback, but it was bound by a library as a hardcover (for durability).
In this situation, the library binding changed the original booktype of the book. That means that the listing at PaperBackSwap will no longer match your book. Since ISBN and booktype (as well as title and author) on the listing all need to match the book in hand, in order for that listing to be used to represent that book, the pre-existing listing for the original paperback can't be used to represent the library-bound paperback that was turned into a hardcover.
Solution(s): You will need to post this book with a customized listing for the book, using the Post Books without an ISBN link on the Post Books page.
Problem: You enter an ISBN on the Post Books page and when the listing preview comes up, the book cover image doesn't match the book you have.
Explanation: Sometimes the publisher reprints with a different cover. The book cover image does not need to match, as long as the title/author are the same.
1. If the title/author on the book cover are correct, but it is a different picture:
The book cover image does not need to match. As long as it is for some version of that book (same title/author), it is okay.
Solution: Post the book using the listing that matches ISBN, title, author and booktype.
2. If the book cover image shown is just wrong (totally different book = wrong title/author):
Solution: Upload the correct book cover image (a digital photo you have taken or an image taken from another website), by scrolling to the bottom of any page on the site and clicking "Member Tools" then choosing "Upload Book Cover." (Full instructions are in If the book cover image on a listing in the database is missing or wrong....) The submitted image will need to be approved by one of our Image Collection Volunteers before it is added to the database.
Explanation: sometimes the listing is provided to us by our database compiler without a cover image.
Explanation: Sometimes our database compiler can make errors when providing the image on a listing OR the publisher can provide the wrong image for a listing OR sometimes a member uploads the wrong image to a listing (rare) OR sometimes an ISBN is used for more than one book and the information gets mixed up on the listing. That's why the book cover image on the listing is not the thing that needs to match -- the OTHER information (ISBN, title, author and booktype) on the listing needs to match your book.
Solution: You will need to post this book with a customized listing for the book, using the Post Books without an ISBN link on the Post Books page.
Explanation: This usually means that the publisher assigned the same ISBN to (at least) two different versions of the book. At PBS, because each ISBN can be attached to only ONE version of a book, if you have the "other " version you need to enter it as if it does not have an ISBN.
Solution: Post this book with a customized listing for the book, using the Post Books without an ISBN link on the Post Books page, so that the Large Print status of your book is clear.
Explanation: This usually means that the publisher assigned the same ISBN to (at least) two different versions of the book. At PBS, because each ISBN can be attached to only ONE version of a book, if you have the "other " version you need to enter it as if it does not have an ISBN.
Solution: Post this book with a customized listing for the book, using the Post Books without an ISBN link on the Post Books page, so that your book is not listed as Large Print if it is not Large Print.
Explanation: This means that this is a Large Print listing - and usually the explanation is that the publisher assigned the same ISBN to (at least) two different versions of the book. At PBS, because each ISBN can be attached to only ONE version of a book, if you have the "other" version (= a version that does not match the ISBN listing) you need to enter it as if it does not have an ISBN.
The pink box says:
"This book is listed in the database as Large Print (16-point font size). If your book is NOT Large Print, you cannot use this listing to post your book. If your book is NOT Large Print, Click here for more information."
Solution: Post this book with a customized listing for the book, using the Post Books without an ISBN link on the Post Books page, so that your book is not listed as Large Print if it is not Large Print. If you "click here" the screens will help you post the book properly.
Explanation: A database error is only one of the possibilities in this situation. If you want to pursue this possibility, see the Solution below.
Solution: You can submit a correction to the Data Correction volunteers using the Edit Book Data link in the "More Options" menu on the Book Details page. After you have done that, if the change can be made it will be made (this can take a variable amount of time), and after the change is made you can use the listing to post your book. In other words, you must not use the listing until it matches the book you have. If you don't want to wait for the correction to be made (it may be rejected if it is not a database error), you can post your book using the Post Books without an ISBN link on the Post Books page to create a non-ISBN listing that matches the book you have.
Explanation: The PBS database is compiled elsewhere, and it does have some inaccuracies.
Solution: Upload correct information to our editing volunteers if it is a minor discrepancy (missing author first name, misspelling).
Explanation: This can happen if there is a database error (see above) OR when publishers assign the same ISBN to more than one title.
On PBS, only one book listing can be attached to each ISBN. The one you are seeing on the listing preview is the one attached to that ISBN at PBS.
Explanation: This can happen if a member has uploaded the wrong image OR when an ISBN is being reused by a publisher, and the cover image has been updated but the rest of the listing hasn't. Please note that the Cover Image does NOT need to match on a listing, but the rest of the information (ISBN/Title/Author/booktype) must match, so you can't use a nonmatching listing for your book based on a matching cover image.
Explanation: This may be a Wish List book - in which case it will have been offered to the first wishing member in a Wish List Hold on your My Account page, OR if it was set to auto-request on the Wishing member's Wish List it will have been requested automatically by the system. In that case you will not see the book on your Bookshelf - it would have gone immediately to your My Account page, in the Wish List Hold or Wish List request.
Solution: Look at your My Account page, to see if the book is involved in a Wish List Hold or a Wish List request there. You can read more about this in Posting/Sending a Wish Listed book.
Explanation: This happens when there is a server hiccup, or when the posting member clicked "Post book" or "Refresh" while the book-posting was in process.
Solution if the extra listing appears on your Bookshelf: delete the extra copy from your account Bookshelf.
Solution if the book was on a WIsh List and is now involved a pending Wish List hold: Wait for the book to be requested. Accept the first request, and decline any extra requests by clicking "I cannot mail". Doing this will remove the extra copies from your account. You will have a chance to explain what happened to the requestor when you decline a request.
Explanation: Usually if an ISBN was removed, that means that the publisher or author requested the removal of the listing for legal reasons. Even if it is entirely legal for us to display the listing on our site, we try to comply with such requests when we can.
Solution: You will not be able to use this ISBN to list the book. It's possible that you will not be able to list the book at all. However, if the ISBN was reused (if you have a different book than the banned listing), you could create a non-ISBN listing for it. In order to check on that, you can contact us - send a message with ISBN and book title/author, and ask if it's OK to list the book with a custom, non-ISBN listing. We'll check our records and let you know!
Explanation: Our database does not allow this ISBN to be used because our database provider has an excluded booktype attached - for example, 'unbound' . The database provider does sometimes get erroneous information from the publishers. Until that information is corrected, the ISBN can't be used here.
Solution: Until the database is corrected (this will happen automatically in time - but it could take a long time) this item will need to be posted as a non-ISBN item, using the "Post a Book Without an ISBN" link on the Post Books page.
Related Links:
How to post a book
How do I post a book without an ISBN?
How to remove a book from your Bookshelf
Posting/Sending a Wish Listed book
When I enter the ISBN on my paperback, the listing shows a hardcover! (and vice versa)
If you posted a book, but can't see it on your Bookshelf...
If a book you posted doesn't show up in the system...
NoScript and PaperBackSwap