How can I tell who's sending me a book? (or who I am sending a book to?)
If it is a pending request submitted to you:
- You need to accept the incoming request first, then follow the instructions below for an active transaction.
If it is an active transaction or a pending Wish List offer:
If the book has been mailed to you (the transaction is on your En Route to Me tab in My Account):
If this is a previous transaction (lost, canceled, problem, completed):
- The other member's (first) name will show on the transaction in your Transaction Archive.
- You can also click the Request Details link on the right side of the transaction in your Transaction Archive, to see more information about this shipment.
- The Request Details include the date requested, and any of the following that apply: the dates that the address was printed, the book was mailed, the transaction was canceled or lost or marked received, as well as any tracking information if the book was sent with PBS Printable Postage.
More questions:
How does the Vacation Hold affect active requests/Wish List Holds?
What happens after you submit a request for a book
What if the sender does not respond to my request within 4 days?
What if the sender agrees to send the book, but doesn't mark it mailed before the deadline?
What if I want to cancel a request I made?
What if the sender is taking too long to respond? Can I cancel and reorder from someone else?
When will I get my book?
Box-O-Books Tutorial Step 4: Boxer Negotiation
How to Use the Transaction Archive