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Help Center - Declining/Cancelling a Box-O-Books Swap

Search Terms:

To Decline a Box Offer:

  • Click under the other Boxer's Box

    • This will cancel this Box and send an email to the other Boxer telling him or her that the offer was DECLINED
    • The swap will move to both Boxers' Canceled Boxes list, accessible from the Canceled Boxes tab on the main Box-O-Books page.
  • If the swap was never accepted on both sides by both Boxers, the books will still be on both Boxer's bookshelves
    • Books in a Box-O-Books swap are not removed from the Boxers' bookshelves until both sides have clicked Accept to accept the swap.
  • If the swap was at any point accepted by both Boxers, then cancelling/declining WILL remove the books from both Boxers' bookshelves.
    • in this case, you will need to repost the books from your declined box in order to swap them.
  • If you decide to restart this Box swap, it will need to be restarted as a new offer; canceled Boxes cannot be reactivated
  • You are able to cancel at any time up until the other Boxer has printed your address.
  • You cannot cancel after you have marked your Box mailed
    • if you need to cancel a Box-O-Books that neither Boxer can cancel, please contact us and we will do this for you.

 Related Links:

Box-O-Books Tutorial
What is Box-O-Books?
Finding Books for a Box-O-Books swap
Making a Box-O-Books offer
Responding to a Box-O-Books offer
When is a Box-O-Books book removed from my posted bookshelf?
How long does a Boxer have to respond to an offer?
Can we swap books for books directly with other members on this site?
How to Use the Boxer Rating/Feedback System
Can I suspend/turn off/pause my Box-O-Books?
Requestor Conditions and Box-O-Books
Declining/Cancelling a Box-O-Books Swap