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Help Center - What is the Reminder List?

Search Terms:

The Reminder List has been created to allow members to list books that they are interested in but not quite ready to request or add to their Wish List.  Your Reminder List is in My Lists, in My Account.  

To Get there:

  • From My Account: click the My Lists tab and click the link for "Reminder List" in the yellow bar at the top of the My Lists tab page
  • From anywhere on the site: place your cursor over My Account in the toolbar at the top of the site and then move your cursor over My Lists> in the menu that drops down; choose Reminder List from the menu that appears to the right.

To add Books to your Reminder List:

  • On a search result or rollover, click the +RL button
  • On the Book Details page: click "More Options" to the right of the book image, then choose "+Reminder" in the dropdown menu

To delete Books from your Reminder List:

  • Go to your Reminder List
  • Check the box on the far LEFT of the book in the list you want to remove,
  • Then click "Delete" at the top of the Reminder List page.

How to Use your Reminder List:

  • You can place  available or currently unavailable books on your Reminder List.

  • You can see how many copies of the available books are in the system (listed under the title of the book).

  • You can see at a glance which books on your Reminder List are available: these have on the right
    • Clicking this button will allow you to request that book.

Related Links:

What is the Wish List?
How the Wish List Works
How do I add a book to my Wish List?
Managing your Wish List