Help Center - How do I refer others to PaperBackSwap?
There are many ways to refer others to PaperBackSwap!
The Spread the Word page has all the options: personalizable linked banners, icons, email footers, bookmarks, flyers, etc! If someone clicks on your personalized link or linked item and registers at that time, you will be automatically recorded as the referrer of the new account.
You can find the Spread the Word page in the menu under Community at the top of any page on the PaperBackSwap site
All of the items can be personalized there with one click!
Personalizing will insert your user email (or PBS Nickname if you have chosen one) into the code for all the links and linked items on the page.
On the Spread the Word page, you can get:
A simple (personalized) link (to share on a website, in an email, in a text message, in a social media Post): To do that:
Go to the Spread the Word page (accessible from the menu under Community at the top of any page on the site)
Scroll down to the light blue stripe
type your email address or account Nickname into the field in the stripe
click the "click to personalize links" button
After you have personalized by clicking the button, the URL just below the light blue stripe (the Simple Referral Link) will be personalized (it will contain referral info unique to you), and you can copy and paste it wherever you want to share it!
Banners, logos, linked icons. To use these:
Personalize the links on the page (as above) Note: You will need to re-personalize the links each time you return to the Spread the Word page.
Choose the item you want to use
Select-copy the code (all of it) in the box corresponding to the item you have chosen
Paste it into the appropriate place (your email sig, your website, etc.).
We do not have linked icons for emails yet, sorry; just for websites.
You can offer your books for request via Facebook and jump the FIFO (first-in, first-out) queue!
When you post a book to your account Bookshelf, you can share ("like") that posting
Anyone who clicks on your shared link and orders the book from you at PaperBackSwap will order your copy (even if it is not first in line for requests).
Linkless sharing: share your PaperBackSwap Nickname in a Social Media post
anyone who registers a new PaperBackSwap account can type in your nickname as referrer while doing so, and record the referral
The Reward:
If you refer a new eligible account* that then posts 10 books to the account Bookshelf, you will receive a Book Credit (and a Free Swap to use with it to make a book request)
If a personalized link is used to register, the referral will be recorded automatically.
If a personalized link is NOT used to register, the new member must give your PaperBackSwap user email address OR your PaperBackSwap Nickname at the time of registration to record you as the referrer.
*Please Note that you do not earn referral credit for accounts at your own household, accounts that are not the first for the household, or accounts that violate our Terms of Use. Referred accounts need to complete registration and activate the accounts by providing all account information before referral credit will be granted. Previous referrals do not earn Book Credit retroactively.