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Help Center - When will I get my credit for sending a book?

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You will get your credit for sending a book (1 credit for each bound book or audio cassette book, 2 credits for each audioCD book) depending on how you choose to send the book. Please note that books must be marked mailed in order to earn credit, whether or not extra services are used.

  • If you send with "no extra services" chosen on the wrapper Settings page: you will get credit when the requestor marks it received from his or her account page.  

    You will get an email telling you when this has happened; the email will notify you that you have gotten credit.

    See below for more about transit times.  See If a book you sent hasn't been marked received yet... for more about this situation.

  • If you use PBS Printed Postage to print your wrapper (and you have a good sending record), you will get Instant Credit--the credit will be granted at the time you mark the book mailed. 

    You will get an email telling you that Instant Credit has been granted; the email will notify you that you have gotten credit. Instant Credit is available to members with good swapping records - late mailing, non-mailing or an excessive rate of unreceived books will make an account ineligible for Instant Credit.

    You will get an additional email telling you when the book has been marked received; if Instant Credit has been given, then no credit will be granted at the time the book is marked received.

  • Read more about PBS Printed Postage in FAQs about Printable Postage.

The average length of time from mailing to receipt is 9 days. Many packages get to their destinations much faster; some will take more time.

  • MediaMail transit times are variable
    • USPS says to allow 2 weeks, but PBS allows nearly 4. 
    • Some books cross the country in 2 days!  Some take two weeks to go 100 miles.  MediaMail is inexpensive, not predictable.
  • The average transit time for all books at PBS (including those coming from military addresses outside the US and HI, AK, PR and GU) is 9 days
    • But most books will arrive much sooner than that.
  • If the information on the request says that the book is coming from outside the continental US, your book may take longer to arrive. 
    • You can tell where your book is coming from by looking at the right side of the "en route" request.
  • If you are concerned about a book that hasn't arrived yet:
    • You can contact the requestor using the button on the en Route transaction to send a Personal Message.

If you are sending a book to or from outside the contiguous US, it is a good idea to send a Personal Message to the requestor at the time you mark the book mailed, to let her/him know the package might take longer than usual in transit.

Related Links:
What happens after you submit a request for a book
What if the sender does not respond to my request within 4 days?
What if the sender agrees to send the book, but doesn't mark it mailed before the deadline?
What if I want to cancel a request I made?
What if the sender is taking too long to respond? Can I cancel and reorder from someone else?
How can I tell who's sending me a book? (or to whom I am sending a book?)
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